
Yidan Guo is a young pianist living in Boston, Massachusetts, who has been highly praised by many master musicians such as Arbo Valdma,Robin Zebaida,Robert Sipos-Ori,George Lepauw,Donald Berman,Weihui Mao, Vadym Kholodenko,Yafen Zhu and Aylish E. Kerrigan. The famous piano educator Arbo Valdma once praised her playing as “not only with rich, solid techniques, but also full of emotion and touching at the same time”. In 2013, she applied for master degree in piano performance and received offers with high scholarship from Cleveland Institute of Music, Manhattan School of Music and Longy School of Music.

She started learning to play the piano at the age of 4. Later she studied at Xiamen Music School for elementary education. Being in a small class she received both high quality cultural and musical education. Since she started her piano study, she has attended many piano performances and competitions, and received numerous praises and awards. She has studied under many great educators including pianist Ying Gai from Xiamen, piano professor Ziyu Gu from Central Conservatory of Music, young pianist Nian Jiang from Guildhall School of Music in London, Chinese pianist Cheng Qian and Japanese pianist Rieko Aizawa.

At the age of 26, she already has 8 years of piano teaching experience. A lot of her students made great achievements under her supervision in their piano playing. Following is a list of awards received by some of her students:

Deng Tan Jundi, Rank No.1 from the second Session of Macao-Asia Piano Open Competition

Tian Xiaoxue, Gold Award from World Expo Travel & Helen Piano Competition (The National Finals)

Wu Xiaoya, Gold Award from 2010 Shanghai International Youth Piano Competition

Ma Ziheng, Rank No.1 from the First Asia Juveniles’ Piano Art Festival

Chen Jiaqi, Rank No.2 from Internationaler Deutscher Irmler – Klavierwettbewerb

Xie Aoqi, Rank No.3 from the first session of Asia Youth’s Piano Art Festival

Wang Bingqi, First Prize from Liszt Memorial Award & International Piano Open Competition

Song Haoze, Second Prize from Chopin & Liszt Piano Competition.


She has received piano teaching awards many times from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore. In 2012, she was awarded “Outstanding Young Professional Teacher” by Hong Kong Piano Music Association. Following is a list of awards received by her for her piano playing as well as teaching:

No.1 in the first Session of Macao-Asia Piano Open Competition in 2012

No.2 in the first session of Asia Youth Piano Competition

No.2 in the Asia Piano Open Competition in 2011, Chopin Award

Outstanding Teaching Award from Internationaler Deutscher Irmler – Klavierwettbewerb in 2013

Outstanding Teaching Award from the 17th Session of Hong Kong-Asia Piano Open Competition

Outstanding Teaching Award from the second Session of Macao -Asia Piano Open Competition

Chopin Art Instructor from the First session of Asia Juveniles’ Piano Art Festival

Outstanding Supervising Teacher Prize from World Expo Travel & Helen Piano Competition (The National Finals Competition) in 2013

Outstanding Teaching Award from Chopin- Liszt Piano Competition in 2013

Most Outstanding Accompaniment Prize, The Conservatory’s Fifth Session of Ailist & The Carey foundation — Germany Art Song Competition In 2010

Outstanding Piano Teacher from the 14th “XingHai Cup” International Piano Competition


In 2014, she received “Teaching Artist Certificate” from Longy School of Music upon graduation. In 2015, she was invited and joined “The Massachusetts Music Teachers Association” and also “The Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association”.




郭藝丹 钢琴家,现居波士顿。Arbo Valdma,Robin Zebaida,Robert Sipos-Ori,George Lepauw,Donald Berman,Weihui Mao, Vadym Kholodenko,Yafen Zhu,Aylish E. Kerrigan等多位音樂界大師都對她有過極高的評價。德国科隆音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik Köln)著名钢琴教育家Arbo Valdma稱讚她 “不僅擁有精湛的演奏技巧,同時富有音樂抒情性的演奏,令人感動”。2013年被克里夫蘭音樂學院(Cleveland Institute of Music),曼哈頓音樂學院(Manhattan School of Music),longy音樂學院(Longy School of Music)等学校高额奖学金錄取。她四歲起習琴,小学進入廈門市音樂學校學習,不超過30個人的小班制教育,讓她得到很好的文化教育,真正做到學習文化和鋼琴兩不誤。自習琴以來,多次參加比賽及演出,獲得無數好評。學琴道路上她先後師從廈門鋼琴家蓋英,中央音樂學院(Central Conservatory of Music)顧子鈺教授,英國倫敦Guildhall School of Music青年鋼琴家蔣念,中國青年鋼琴家錢程,日本鋼琴家Rieko Aizawa。年仅26岁的她已经教學八年,培养出一批杰出的钢琴学生。学生 鄧譚俊狄 獲第二屆鋼琴公開賽總決賽  『第一名』;田笑雪 獲海倫杯青少年鋼琴大賽  『金獎』;吴小雅 獲2010上海國際青少年鋼琴大賽 兒童B組 『金獎』;马子恒 獲中華青少年藝術盛典 鋼琴比賽 『第一名』;陳佳琪 獲第三屆歐米勒國際鋼琴大賽  『第二名』;謝澳頎 獲2010年獲首屆亞洲青少年鋼琴藝術節 鋼琴比賽決賽 『第三名』;王冰綺 獲 李斯特紀念獎·國際鋼琴公開賽『一等獎』;宋昊澤 獲2011肖邦&李斯特鋼琴比賽 D組『 二等獎』等众多奖项。她多次榮獲中國,香港,澳門,新加坡等地傑出教師榮譽獎。2012年被香港鋼琴協會評為傑出青年專業教師稱號。



2011年亞洲鋼琴比賽蕭邦獎 第二名


第三屆歐米勒國際鋼琴公開賽 授予[鋼琴教師教師獎]

第十七屆香港-亞洲鋼琴公開比賽 獲[優秀導師獎]


第二屆澳門-亞洲鋼琴公開賽 被評為[優秀導師獎]

亞洲青少年鋼琴藝術節 被評為[蕭邦藝術輔導獎]

海倫杯上海國際青少年鋼琴大賽全國總決賽 榮獲[優秀指導教師獎]

十四屆星海杯國際鋼琴大賽 榮獲[傑出鋼琴教師]

The award “Teaching Artist Certificate” from Longy School of Music



擔任2016 GYPC杰出华人少年演奏家評委