MMTA Judged Festival 獲獎學生名單

由美國新英格蘭地區最權威教師協會舉辦的一年一屆Judged Festival于三月四日在Wenham Gordon College舉辦。Yidan Piano Studio 六位學生最終在四個組別里取得五個Honorable Mention及一個第三名。六位小朋友隨郭老師學琴最長一年多,最短的時間才八個月。此次參賽也是這六位獲獎小朋友們的第一次現場比賽。郭老師表示,她很鼓勵學生去參加比賽,比賽對他們來說,最重要的不是結果,而是過程中的歷練與進步。多參加比賽,多在比賽中歷練,學會處理不同臨場狀況,對於孩子來說,也是一種很好的鍛煉!IMG_5955


Alan Tezel – 3rd Place

Alan is 8 year’s old and is currently in 3rd grade in Hardy Elementary School, Arlington. He is a very active boy who is a fast runner and loves soccer and karate. He also enjoys reading quietly and playing video games. He started his music education with Ms. Yidan Guo since June 2016.


Lindsay Miao  — Honorable Mention

Lindsay Miao is a third grader at Vinson Owen Elementary School in Winchester, MA.

In summer 2016, she transferred to Yidan Studio to learn from Ms. Guo.


Anjie Sun  — Honorable Mention

AJ Sun is an 8 year old boy, who is currently a 2nd grade pupil at Harrington Elementary school of Lexington.  AJ has played piano for 3 years and had performed in school soirees and the recital at Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture.


Ariel Wu  — Honorable Mention

Ariel started her Piano training with Ms. Guo since May 2015. She attends Kindergarten at Sprague Elementary School in Wellesley, MA. Over the past year, Ariel had participated in a few volunteer activities, including playing piano at the Senior Center. She completed the 3-weeks of summer Piano Camp with Ms. Guo in 2016 and received Award of Excellence. She won the 2nd place in Junior Group at the 4th GOCCA Youth Pianist Competition (online) in 2016.


Claire Long  — Honorable Mention

Claire has started piano lessons with Ms.Yidan Guo since March 2016. She said:”learning piano has been amazing, every piece introduces its own challenges and it is fun to overcome them”. She loves learning new techniques and incorporating into each piece of music she played. Claire really enjoys her fingers dancing on the keys and expressing the story for music.


Yolanda Yan  — Honorable Mention

Yolanda is 7 years old, studying in 2nd grade at Sait Jude School.  She started her Piano training with Ms. Guo since Sep 2015.


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