Yidan Piano Studio – Julina Li 榮獲曼切斯特音樂學院比賽第三名

Julina Li 家住New Hampshire,為了跟郭老師學鋼琴,媽媽每週開車來回兩小時帶她上鋼琴課。兩年的付出還是有很大的收穫,恭喜她獲得此次比賽4-6年級組別第三名獎項,喜得一枚獎牌。

Julina Li, 11 years old, 6th grade student, loves playing piano, flute, soccer, dancing and skiing. Julina started learning piano when she was 5 years old. She has played in seven student piano recitals so far.

April 2011, Portsmouth Christian Academy, Dover NH

January 2012, York church, York  ME

January 2013, First Church, Nashua NH

December 2013, Grace Church, Manchester NH

April 2014, Grace church, Manchester NH

December 2015, MIT Killian Hall, Cambridge MA

June, 2016, Newton MA

On March 6th, 2016, Julina won the 3rd place in the Performance Competition at Manchester Community Music School in NH. In July 2016, Julina won the second place in the 4th global youth Chinese performance competition. Julina also performed at the Chinese New Year Celebration Party held in the town library and at McKelvie Intermediate School’s Got Talent Show.


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