The annual recital of Yidan Piano Studio

On December 15, 2018, the annual recital of Yidan Piano Studio was successfully held at MIT Killian Hall. Twenty students aged from 5 to 13 performed 31 pieces from the great works of European and American musicians including Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, Mendelssohn, Mozart and many more. Although this was the first recital for some and the fourth for a few others, all performers exhibited great confidence and strong piano playing skills at their respective levels, as they led the attentive audience through the classical master pieces spanning more than two centuries and covering a wide range of themes. In addition to solos, parent-child duets and violin-piano duets were presented, which highlighted the 2-hour ear feast.

The recital was concluded by Mrs Yidan Guo’s closing remarks commenting on students’ performance of the day, achievements during the year and requirements for the future. This past year has seen quite some accomplishments at Yidan Piano Studio. A handful of students attended multiple piano competitions and won 12 1stplaces in all. Mrs Guo reiterated the importance of practice and listening to music from multiple sources in order to form individual styles. She encouraged the students to continue the pursuit of music in the coming new year.


by Hong Bo

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